
General Information

  • 用户

    Undergraduate Students

    • 21 day checkout
    • 25书限
    • 2 online renewals
    • 罚款 on stack books: 3 day grace period, then $0.每天25美元. Maximum $50/book

    Faculty and Staff

    • 90 day checkout
    • 7 day bound periodical checkout
    • 50 book limit
    • 4 online renewals

    Graduate/Doctoral Students

    • 90 day checkout
    • 7 day bound periodical checkout
    • 50 book limit
    • 4 online renewals
    • 罚款 on stack books: $0.每天25美元. Maximum $50/book

    McNair Scholars

    • 90 day checkout
    • 7 day bound periodical checkout
    • 50 book limit
    • 4 online renewals
    • 罚款 on stack books: $0.每天25美元. Maximum $50/book

    Alumni and Retirees

    • 21 day checkout
    • 25书限
    • 罚款 on stack books: 3 day grace period, then $0.每天25美元. Maximum $50/book
    • No ILL, licensed electronic resources, or online renewals


    • 21 day checkout
    • 7书限
    • 罚款 on stack books: 3 day grace period, then $0.每天25美元. Maximum $50/book
    • No ILL, non-TexShare databases, or online renewals

    Courtesy Borrowers

    • 21 day checkout
    • 10 book limit
    • No online renewals
    • No ILL, licensed electronic resources, or online renewals

    Friends of the 图书馆

    • 21 day checkout
    • 5书限
    • 10 book hold limit
    • 罚款 on stack books: 3 day grace period, then $.每天0.25美元. Maximum $50/book
    • No ILL, licensed electronic resources, or online renewals
  • Borrowing Materials


    Bring your book to the 循环 Desk on the 1st floor at the library entrance. 你需要出示下列其中一种身份证明文件.

    • Lamar University Cardinal One Card
    • Lamar University student, 教师, or staff identification card
    • 拉马尔理工学院(LIT)学生、教师或工作人员身份证
    • Lamar University or LIT Alumni or Retiree Card
    • TexShare Card
    • Friends of the 图书馆 Card

    你的卡迪纳尔村居民卡或者护理部的徽章是 acceptable forms of identification.


    读者可于办公时间内到图书馆借阅处及二楼借阅/期刊服务处办理还书手续, 24/7 at the 循环 drop box, or with prior 不ification materials can be mailed to:

    Mary and John Gray 图书馆
    循环 Desk
    Lamar University
    211 Red Bird Lane, P.O. 10021箱
    Beaumont, TX 77710-0021



    续借手续可于正常办公时间内在借阅服务台办理. 或者学生、教师和工作人员可以通过登录他们的图书馆帐户来续借资料.

    • 登录 我的账户 与你的 L数量 (Lamar students, 教师 and staff) or T数量 (LIT students, 教师 and staff) 和销.
    • Your PIN should be your date of birth in the format: MMDD.
    • Select "Renew My Materials." A list of the materials on your account will appear.  Select the radio button of item(s) being renewed. Then select "Renew Selected Items."

    循环 Renew Materials

    The following items may NOT be renewed:

    • Items put on hold by a不her patron
    • Items from the 2nd floor Periodicals/Reserve Desk



    罚款 for overdue books begin after a three-day grace period. After the grace period, fines are $0.每天25美元, per item. The maximum fine for each book or item is $50.

    预订的图书通常有两小时的结账期,累计罚款为0美元.25 per hour, or $6.00 per 24 hour period, after they are due.

    罚款 do 不 accrue for 教师 and staff.



    Lost/Damaged Materials

    所有借阅者遗失或损坏的资料将按照玛丽和约翰·格雷图书馆现行政策收取费用. 如果这本书仍在印刷中,借款人将被收取实际的替换价格(或者如果它不再印刷,则是默认价格)加上20美元.00 processing fee.

    Placing a Hold

    如果一本书被列为“目前没有副本”,并有估计的等待时间, a不her library patron has checked out the book.

    You may place a hold on checked out items by selecting "Full Details --> Hold." You will need to login to 我的账户 与你的 L数量 (Lamar students, 教师 and staff) or T数量 (LIT students, 教师 and staff) 和销. Your PIN should be your date of birth in the format: MMDD.

    After you place a hold on an item, the patron who has the item may keep it until it is due, but they can不 renew the item. This time period is indicated by the estimated wait period. If others have placed holds on the item before you, 它们的潜在签出周期也在估计的等待周期中计算. 当图书被归还给图书馆时,您的保留请求是下一个, you will be 不ified via email to retrieve the item from the stacks.  You will have 48 hours to retrieve the item from the stacks. After that time, the hold will be removed.

    为了避免把自己的书取出来而把一本书搁置起来,结果会给你发一封电子邮件,说我们已经确认这本书在书架上,你有48小时的时间从书架上取书. 一般来说,借阅台不为读者拉资料.

    残疾读者:图书馆工作人员很乐意帮助需要帮助的残疾读者从图书馆的书架上取书. Please ask for help at the 循环 Desk in the 1st floor lobby. For other inquiries about 可访问性 on campus, please visit the Disability Resource Center's webpage.

    You may also place a hold on a book that is available at the Ron E. Lewis 图书馆 at Lamar State College in Orange, Texas.

    Other Materials

    • 特别馆藏和十大电子游艺网站排行档案资料只能在7楼的特别馆藏室使用.
    • 位于2楼的政府文件有不同的退房政策. Please inquire when you use them.
    • Periodicals/Reserves (i.e. 期刊, 杂志, 及报纸)可在二楼期刊/借阅处借阅,但只可在楼内借阅.
    • 外借资料(2楼的期刊/外借服务台)有不同的借出政策. Please inquire when you use them.
    • Microfilm volumes located on 2nd floor may 不 be checked out.
    • 位于3 -5楼的合订本可供研究生借阅, McNair Scholars, 教师 and staff at the 2nd floor Periodicals/Reserves Desk.
    • 参考书只能在一楼的参考书区使用.
    • Media 服务 materials may 不 be checked out.
  • 账户

    My 图书馆 Account



    • 登录 我的账户 与你的 L数量 (Lamar students, 教师 and staff) or T数量 (LIT students, 教师 and staff) 和销.
    • Your PIN should be your date of birth in the format: MMDD.

    你可以提前24小时在你的账户上续借图书.  From the day the materials are due and forward, 您的帐户将被封锁,您将无法在线查看或续借您的图书. 这些书需要亲自带到图书馆来续借. 您的一号卡或身份证(可接受的身份证形式见“借阅资料”标签下的“借阅”部分)需要在借阅台出示.  For more information on renewing materials, see the "续签" section under the "Borrowing Materials" tab.

    请注意,你有责任知道你的账户上有哪些材料以及何时到期. Email 不ices we may send are only a friendly reminder. Occasionally, the email system malfunctions and no 不ices are sent. 逾期不交材料将被罚款.

  • Related 服务


    为方便使用而需要扫描或复制的项目将不产生费用. 本网站将根据版权条例为残疾人士影印资料. 使用者如需协助使用影印机,应向图书馆职员寻求协助.

    图书馆工作人员很乐意帮助需要帮助的残疾读者从图书馆的书架上取书. Please ask for help at the 循环 Desk in the 1st floor lobby. For other inquiries about 可访问性 on campus, please visit the 可访问性 Resource Center's webpage.

    Texshare Card

    The TexShare Card allows our students, 教师, 和工作人员可以直接访问玛丽和约翰·格雷图书馆没有的书籍和其他图书馆资料.

    To be eligible for the TexShare Card Program, you must:

    • Be a user in good standing at the Mary and John Gray 图书馆.
    • 借阅资料时,请出示有效证件及TexShare卡 a participating TexShare library.
    • 同意按照图书馆借阅政策中规定的方法将借阅的资料归还给该图书馆.
    • Be responsible for all late, damaged or lost materials charges.

    借阅政策由参加TexShare借阅卡计划的各个图书馆制定. Because of this, lending policies may vary from library to library. 一定要检查希望使用的TexShare库的借阅策略.

    How you can participate:

    • Download and complete the TexShare Card Borrower Agreement. Then bring it to the Mary and John Gray 图书馆 循环 Desk.
    • 在往复式图书馆的借阅台出示您的TexShare卡以激活您的结帐特权. You will be required to show a photo ID.
    • Check out the books or other materials at their circulation desk. 你有责任保管好所借的资料,并按时归还.

    如果您已经有其他图书馆发行的TexShare卡,请参阅 Mary and John Gray 图书馆's TexShare Lending Policies on the TexShare website.